Tell us what you think!

To help us plan, and understand how our community feels about in-person events, it would help help enormously if you could take 3-4 minutes to fill in this short survey. …

Welcome to the new FoL committee

Thank you to everyone who came to the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 22 September 2021. We welcome the new committee for 2021-2022 and look forward to working with them …

Volunteer Day thank you

A very warm thank you again to everyone who came to the Volunteer yesterday! Amid the sunshine and chatter, we managed to assemble the garden beds, paint the Adventure Rooms …

FoL needs you!

Have you considered joining the Friends of Larkrise committee for the 2021-2022 year? We’d love to hear from you if you’re thinking of nominating yourself for one of the positions. …

Cafe/Welcome Event

From 2:45pm on Friday 17 Sep 2021, under the canopy Meet old friends, and make some new ones, while enjoying free tea/coffee/biscuits tomorrow. All welcome!

FOLIAGE Issue 2 available now!

The last issue of FOLIAGE (issue 2) for the 2020-2021 school year is out now! Read about our fundraising successes and plans for the first half-term of the new school …

Larkrise Sports Equipment Appeal

The Friends of Larkrise are doing a short appeal (that ends on 26 July 2021) to raise funds to replace damaged sporting equipment at the school, and buy new equipment …