Cancelled: Volunteer Day on Sun 17 Oct 2021

Dear Parents / Carers Due to limited uptake from parents and staff,  this weekends planned Volunteer day on the 17th October,  has unfortunately been cancelled. Thank you for your understanding …

FoL Class Rep for Nursery Wren class

The Friends of Larkrise has a parent/carer class representative for each class/year group at the school who act as a liaison between parents/carers and FoL. The main duties are joining …

School Streets Volunteers

The School Streets programme around the school limits traffic to residents only, around drop-off and pick-up times, to make it safer for children and their families. The scheme depends on …

Oxford Garden Centre seed donation

A huge thank you to Oxford Garden Centre (near the Hinksey roundabout) who have kindly donated a large selection of seeds for our school gardening project. Looking forward to watching …

Larkmas Planning Meeting

Tuesday 2 November 2021, 3:15-4:15pm, under the canopy In response to requests to make FoL meetings more accessible, there will be an additional Larkmas planning meeting after school on 2nd …

Larkmas planning volunteers

Dear Parents/Carers,Unfortunately due to a lack of volunteer capacity FoL is unable to organise the Halloween Disco this year, and sadly this event is now cancelled. We are hoping to …

Tell us what you think!

To help us plan, and understand how our community feels about in-person events, it would help help enormously if you could take 3-4 minutes to fill in this short survey. …